MF 40 - Sound Healing Meditation & Resonance with Mark and Denise

Sicco Rood interviews meditation teachers of various wisdom traditions

Dec 12 2015

MF 40 - Sound Healing Meditation & Resonance with Mark and Denise

(This is a summary transcript, listen to the episode for the full conversation)

Interview was at the home of Mark and Denise, so it started casual. You will be hearing the wind chimes outside in their garden in the background, it was rather windy that evening.

Mark talks about holding a sound meditation and there was all of a sudden someone playing Elvis music in the room next door. "Don't step on my blue suede shoes!" So he played his meditation sounds with the music, so it was incorporated. He brought their awareness in and outside the room, allowing all sounds to be. This was helpful to hear to the meditators. One of the ladies at the end said she loved the part of the Elvis sounds. Others also were glad that the sound was allowed to be there.

By allowing the sounds to be there, it was OK.

It became an ally..very applicable to daily life. So many of want to cut things out, creating friction with reality.

Yes, that's my keyword, is, surrender to what is, just allow it to be. That's where I found my peace. Ahh..Just to breathe it out.

One of our teachers is Matt Kahn. His teaching is simple, Whatever Arises, Love That.

It's just really simple, whatever comes up. "Ah...I stubbed my toe!" Find the present in that, where's the gift in that. Maybe the way I am, not paying attention. Perhaps not conscious where my body is in relation to other fixed objects. Or need to stop thinking about a certain thing, so I stubbed my toe. Could be simple, or very complex reasons for it. Whatever arises, love that.

So how did you get on this path of Sound Healing, sound Meditation? What does it mean to you?

Mark: My experience, about 7 years ago. I was doing guided meditations with different recordings, and listening CD's. A friend of mine brought to my attention Tibetan singing bowls. I didn't know what they were at that time.

The first time I heard them, I felt an immediate kinship with the bowls. At that point, I wanted to learn as much as I can about them. How they came about. It physically moved me. That was my primary introduction with meditation with the bowls.

Do you have a more detailed moment where this clicked for you?

Yes, it was the chant, "The end of suffering". I was moved internally. I could feel this release and ease in my body upon hearing it. Not something I noticed in previous meditations before. So I started researching Tibetan bowls. And I wanted to see if there was a school that teaches the history, the use, and how to work with them.

Go to the episode show notes and listen to the episode..

The Meditation Freedom podcast interviews experienced meditation and mindfulness students and teachers. A meditation and mindfulness practice has many benefits, both for the individual practicing, as well as those around them. Experienced practitioners talk about why they took up a meditation practice, and how it has changed their lives. They will talk about specific ways they integrate their understanding and practice into their daily lives. How do you practice in a busy, hectic world with so little time? How do you deal with struggles, grief, kids, etc. How do they find freedom from stress, fears, obligations and the many other things and thoughts that enslave us. Web Site: About Sicco Rood interviews meditation teachers of various wisdom traditions

Lives in the Anza Borrego desert.

Click here to see the full author's profile

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